
Patroness             :         Mother Mary Immaculate  
Patroness Day     :         December 8
Duration              :         6 years
Goal                     :         To grow in holiness as an SMS sister, attaining maturity by integrating Prayer Life, Community Life, and Apostolic Life with a view to prepare herself for the for the perpetual vows and enabling herself to dedicate for the service of the Church. And enabling herself to continue her initian formation in the community to live the charism of Snehagiri.
The aim of Juniorate is to prepare themselves for perpetual vows by growing in religious maturity through practical life experience and by deepening in spirituality obtained in novitiate.  It is a part of the Formation. The Junior sisters are given chance to live in Snehagiri  doing service in various apostolic fields and also they are sent for various academic courses. We conduct Juniors’ gathering in the General and Provincial level. They are given an in charge sisters and she takes care in their spiritual and integral formation. The Junior sisters renew their vows every year  for five years and after six years they take the perpetual vows.