SMS Spirituality
“Lord, how good it is that we are here” (Mt:17:4). Consecrated life is a call to live in union with God by consecration through Holy Spirit. It is the total union with God and brethren and sacrificial love and self denying life which the discipleship of Jesus wants from us. Holy Eucharist exists as the centre of our religious life and SMS spirituality. We take the spiritual nourishment from the Holy Qurbana listening to the Word of God, mental prayer, personal prayer, the sacrament of reconciliation, examination of conscious, spiritual reading, spiritual guidance, monthly recollection, annual retreat and fourty days prayer. Holy Eucharist demands the spirituality of oneness and fellowship. The Snehagiri spirituality urges us to unify contemplation and action in our life. By this we are enabled to co-operate with redemptive action and work for the building up of the kingdom of God. From the love of God we gain life and strength for the profession of evangelical councils and the proclamation of the compassionate love of God through charitable services.
Snehagiri Missionary Sisters strive to attain perfect love by growing in intimacy with Jesus, through Sacramental life, contemplation of the word of God, constant conversion, self emptying love and Eucharistic life. In the Spirit of the early Christian community which accepted the Holy Trinity as its model. The SMS community should be one that grows and nurtures through self gift, loving each member as her own, praying and sharing together. Strengthened by the Holy Eucharist, every morning we are sent out to the poor with the compassionate love of Jesus. Thus we combine the life of Martha and Mary in our day today life. That is sitting with him on the Mountain and coming down to the valleys to share His love among the suffering people who are waiting to hear a word of consolation, for an embrace and loving touch of healing. Meditating and experiencing the compassionate love of God in the Holy Eucharist and impart the characters of Jesus into our life and when sent out to the people of God, see the face of Christ on the poor and neglected.
Inspired and strengthened by the Holy Qurbana we express our charism as a community through our loving service to all, especially the poor, the neglected, the oppressed, the exploited and the destitute recognizing Jesus in them, through the proclamation of the Word of God and through all our endeavours in accordance with our charism and suited to the needs of the time to spread the kingdom of God.
Renewal Programmes
Various renewal programmes are conducted to be with Jesus Christ to share this to the apostolic field. All the sisters in the Province are given one day prayer, one week prayer, monthly recollection day and annual retreat. Besides these, based on various topics, according to the age group the province organizes Refresher courses, Seminars, Retreats, Bible classes, Periodical studies, Training programmes, visit to pilgrim centres etc. Also, sisters participate in the 40 days’ Prayer which is organized at Pareekkanni under the Generalate and sisters take part in the 1 month course conducted in connection with their Silver Jubilee. Sisters pray for the whole world during 13 hours Adoration every month, Night Vigil on every First Fridays and the Intercessory prayers. The prayer house of St. Thomas Province is at Periappuram parish. Every sisters spent one week there every year, in the Eucharistic presence. The senior sisters of our province are spending most of their time in the chapel for doing intercession for the whole world in our first house, Snehalayam.