Go and proclaim the Kingdom of God all over the world. (Mk. 16,15). The aim of our apostolic mission and various ministries is to work tirelessly and selflessly to spread the Kingdom of God and to reach the Gospel values to everyone we meet and minister. Before the entry of the missionaries, the political, Social, Cultural, Religious and Educational situation of the mission areas were terribly poor and weak. Through the dedication and hard work of the sisters, the standard of the living of the people have improved in each field. The Catholics improved their sacramental life and started leading a stable family life. Education has made the people more social, spiritual and the standard of living has improved.
Humanitarian values have become strong among the people. Sharing all their resources the sisters help the people to live a more dignified and respectable life. Sangli Mission in the Diocese of Kalyan is the mission area of St. Thomas Province. At present we have four houses in Sangli. In the mission the sisters are mostly engaged in the educational and charitable service.
Miraj is the first mission station in Sangli. Here the sisters rae working in the school as well as the parish work. The co-operation and support of the priests of St. Thomas Missionary Society make the service of our sisters more enthusiastic and elaborated. Alphonsa Sadan, Miraj Alphonsa Sadan is the first mission station of Snehagiri Sisters in the Sangli Mission. The sisters started their missionary service here along with MST fathers. The sisters are engaged mainly in the education ministry. Also they are doing pastoral activities in the parish of Miraj. House visiting is an import part of our missionary activities there. Santhi Nivas, Bambuwada Santhi Nivas is a mission station in the Sangli mission of Kalyan diocese. A home for physically challenged children is running in association with the station. Three sisters are working along with the MST fathers for the care and protection of this poor and totally incapable children of this home. All of them are bedridden and the sisters are dedicated 24 hours for the children. Apart this there are many villages where the sisters try to uplift the poor villagers especially we conduct women empowerment programmes through LIC, SH Groups and giving training in self- employment.
Snehagiri Convent, Shahuwady Snehagiri Sisters are engaged in education ministry in Shahuwady station of Sangli Mission in Kalyan diocese. The students of the school are from the poor villages around the station. MST Fathers are administrating the functions of the mission station and school. Sisters are also engaged in the village works. Swanthan Bhavan, Tasgoanphatta Swanthan Bhavan is the first house owned by Snehagiri Missionary Sisters in Sangli Mission. The house was blessed by Rev. Fr. Thomas Karamel the Regional Director of Sangli Mission on 11.05.2011. Later a home for the wandering mentally sick women was constructed and it was blessed on 9th September 2013 by Rev. Fr. Jose Cheriambanattu. There are 25 members in this home.